What We've Done So Far


  • [WINNER of Best Oral Presentation in Innovation] Evaluation of a Health Equity Curriculum to Improve Cultural Competence with Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders (AANHPI)Iaong Vang, Owen Bowie, Angel Li, Kajua Lor, PharmD, BCACP. 2023 Innovations in Healthcare Education Research (IHER) Conference.
  • [Runner-Up Oral Poster Presentation] Evaluation of a Health Equity Curriculum to Improve Cultural Competence with Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders (AANHPI). Iaong Vang, Owen Bowie, Angel Li, Kajua Lor, PharmD, BCACP. 2023 National APAMSA Conference.


  • Published Essay. Health Advancement for Asian/Pacific Islanders through Education (HAAPIE). Ming Lin. Kern Institute: Character and Caring: Medical Education Finds Our Way Out of the Pandemic - Essay Collection.
  • Speaker Lecturer. Creating a Curriculum on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Health. Ming Lin, Joyce Lee. 2022 APAMSA Region 6 Conference.
  • Speaker Lecture. An Invisible Minority: Building a Culture of Health with Hmong Immigrant/Refugees in Wisconsin. Kajua B. Lor, PharmD, BCACP. 2022 APAMSA Region 6 Conference.
  • [WINNER of Best Oral Presentation] Using Personal Narrative as Foundation for  Health Equity Education: Creating a Curriculum on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Health. Ming Lin. 2022 Innovations in Healthcare Education Research (IHER) Conference.
  • Poster Presentation. Cultivating Cultural Intelligence to Improve Cancer Disparities with Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Communities. Joyce H. Lee, MS, Mingqian Lin, MS, Linda Moua, Maria Sgro, MS, and Kajua B. Lor, PharmD, BCACP. 2022 Innovations in Healthcare Education Research (IHER) Conference.
  • [Honorable Mention] Call for Trainee-Authored Letters to the Editor. Reimagine Health Education Inclusive of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Identities. Ming Lin. 2022 Journal of Academic Medicine.
  • Guest Commentary. Rising From the Invisible: The Call for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Representation in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Efforts. Ming Lin. 2022 ASCO Connection.
  • Poster Presentation. Creating an Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) HealthCurriculum: the HAAPIE Initiative (Health Advancement for APIs through Education). Joyce H. Lee, MS, Mingqian Lin, MS, Iaong Vang, Amber Bo, B U.K. Li, MD, Lana Minshew, PhD, Kajua Lor, PharmD, BCACP. 2022 National APAMSA Conference


  • Course Lecture. Mental Health and Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders. Ming Lin, Joyce Lee, Amber Bo, Minhi Kang, Francis Tongpalad, Kajua Lor. Urban and Community Health Pathway, Medical College of Wisconsin. 2021.

Learner Testimonials

See what our learners have to say about our courses.

“After completing this training I feel that as a future provider that I can understand more about my patients backgrounds. This training helped me to learn more about the cultural practices that each group has and how that can play a role in how they may seek healthcare and how I can best support them.”

Anonymous Learner

“Prior to completing the HAAPIE initiative, I unknowingly contributed to the model minority myth when considering the healthcare of Asian Americans. This is sadly due to my lack of knowledge. The HAAPIE initiative has helped me to understand the diversity within the Asian community and the struggles faced by some of the different groups… Interestingly, as different as I thought I was from Asian people, the HAAPIE initiative has showed me there are many similarities between people from my culture and some of the Asian cultures like the Hmong and Karenni people.”

Anonymous Learner